PADC Vocabulary: Product Types for EPNcore metadata

This is the description of the vocabulary as of 2023-11-11.

This is the first version of this vocabulary.

This vocabulary is not yet approved by the IVOA. This means that terms can still disappear without prior notice.

The EPNcore product-type parameter describes the high level scientific organization of the data product linked by the access_url parameter, or directly included in the table (in which case the value is 'ci' for catalogue_item). EPNCore currently defines several types listed below. The data provider must select the type most adapted to his data. In complex situations (e. g., when a file contains several data products), several types can be used to describe the same granule by using a hash-separated-list — although using several granules to describe the file content may be a better solution. In EPN-TAP these types are identified by a 2-characters ID, so that multivalued queries are unambiguous.

ca (Preliminary)CatalogueApplies to a granule providing a catalogue of object parameters, a list of features, a table of granules in another TAP service, a list of events... The result metadata table of a service query can be considered as a catalogue. Catalogues can be provided as VOtable (possibly containing multiple tables, although this is not supported by SAMP). It is good practice to describe the type of data included in the catalogue using a hash-separated-list (e.g., a table of spectra should be described by ca#sp, so that it will respond to a query for spectra).
ci (Preliminary)Catalogue Itemapplies when the service itself provides a catalogue with entries described as individual granules, in particular when there is no associated file (e. g., a list of asteroid properties or spectral lines). Catalogue_item can be limited to scalar quantities (including strings), and possibly to a single element. This organization allows the user to search inside the catalogue from the TAP query interface. In practice, Spice kernels are identified as catalogue_items because they are usually associated to a set of scalar parameters (this point TBC).
cu (Preliminary)CubeMultidimensional data with 3 or more axes, e.g., all that is not described by other 3D data types such as spectral cube or volume. This is intended to accommodate unusual data with multiple dimensions. This can be used for 3D ancillary data associated to spectral cubes, e.g., providing the coordinates or illumination angles for each spectrum.
ds (Preliminary)Dynamic SpectrumConsecutive spectral measurements through time, organized primarily as a time series. This typically implies successive spectra of the same target / field of view.
ev (Preliminary)EventIntroduces individual VOevents formatted according to IVOA standard (or possibly events with other formatting, TBC).
im (Preliminary)ImageScalar field with two spatial axes, or association of several such fields, e.g., images with multiple color planes, from multichannel or filter cameras. Preview images (e.g. map with axis and caption) also belong here. Conversely, vectorial 2D fields are described as spatial_vector (sv).
ma (Preliminary)Mapscalar field / rasters with two spatial axes covering a large area and projected either on the sky or on a planetary body, associated to spatial_coordinate_description and map_projection parameters (with a short enumerated list of possible values); each pixel is associated to 2D coordinates. This is mostly intended to identify radiometrically calibrated and orthorectified images with complete coverage that can be used as reference basemaps.
mo (Preliminary)MovieSets of chronological 2D spatial measurements (consecutive images)
pr (Preliminary)ProfileScalar or vectorial measurements along 1 spatial dimension, e.g., atmospheric profiles, atmospheric paths, sub-surface profiles, traverses...
sc (Preliminary)Spectral CubeSets of consecutive spectral measurements with 1D or 2D spatial coverage, e.g., imaging spectroscopy. The choice between image and spectral_cube is dictated by the characteristics of the instrument (which dimension is most resolved and which dimensions are acquired simultaneously). The choice between dynamic_spectrum and spectral_cube is related to the uniformity of the field of view and by practices in the science field.
sp (Preliminary)SpectrumMeasurements organized primarily along a spectral axis, e.g., radiance spectra. This includes spectral aggregates (series of related spectral segments with non-connected spectral ranges, e.g., from several channels of the same instrument, various orders from an échelle spectrometer, composite spectra, SED, etc).
sv (Preliminary)Spatial VectorVector information associated to localization, such as a spatial footprints, a GIS-related element, etc — e. g. a kml or geojson file (STC-S strings are provided though the s_region parameter, though). This includes maps of vectors, e.g., wind maps.
ts (Preliminary)Time SeriesMeasurements organized primarily as a function of time (with exception of dynamical spectra and movies, i.e. usually a scalar quantity). Typical examples of time series include space-borne dust detector measurements, daily or seasonal curves measured at a given location (e.g., a lander), and light curves.
vo (Preliminary)VolumeMeasurements with 3 spatial dimensions, e.g., internal or atmospheric structures, including shells/shape models (3D surfaces).

Alternate formats: RDF, Turtle, desise (non-RDF json).

This vocabulary is made available under CC-0 by the IVOA Semantics Working Group. To learn how to improve and amend this vocabulary, see Vocabularies in the VO 2.