PADC Vocabulary: Target Classes for EPNcore metadata

This is the description of the vocabulary as of 2023-11-11.

This is the first version of this vocabulary.

This vocabulary is not yet approved by the IVOA. This means that terms can still disappear without prior notice.

The target_class parameter identifies the type of the target. Solar System bodies are defined without ambiguity by the couple target_class and target_name; in other cases, targets may have no proper name (i.e., samples). This parameter must be informed whenever a value for target_name is provided.

asteroid (Preliminary)AsteroidAsteriod
calibration (Preliminary)CalibrationCalibration is used for observations only related to instrument or signal calibration, including dark current, flat field, reference sample (in lab), etc. Use of "calibration" with planetary bodies is left to data providers.
comet (Preliminary)CometComet
dwarf_planet (Preliminary)Dwarf PlanetDwarf Planet
exoplanet (Preliminary)ExoplanetExtra-solar Planet
interplanetary_medium (Preliminary)Interplanetary MediumInterplanetary Medium refers in particular to interplanetary dust observed in context (not to samples).
planet (Preliminary)PlanetPlanet
sample (Preliminary)SampleSample refers to lunar or planetary samples, to meteorites, but also to terrestrial samples, e.g., in laboratory studies.
satellite (Preliminary)SatelliteSatellite stands for natural satellites only - artificial satellites are handled though spacecraft or spacejunk.
sky (Preliminary)SkySky should be used for all other celestial bodies, usually referred to by their sky coordinates. It also includes the Interstellar Medium.
spacecraft (Preliminary)SpacecraftSpacecraft
spacejunk (Preliminary)SpacejunkSpacejunk
star (Preliminary)StarStar

Alternate formats: RDF, Turtle, desise (non-RDF json).

This vocabulary is made available under CC-0 by the IVOA Semantics Working Group. To learn how to improve and amend this vocabulary, see Vocabularies in the VO 2.